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Guide: Obtaining Hashes of Files on Linux using Built-in Tools


In the world of Linux systems, obtaining file hashes is essential for ensuring data integrity and verifying file authenticity. File hashes serve as unique identifiers that allow users to detect tampering attempts and validate data integrity. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to obtain SHA256, MD5, and SHA1 hashes of files on Linux using built-in tools. Follow the step-by-step instructions and learn through specific examples.

Obtaining Hashes on Linux using Built-in Tools

Linux provides several built-in tools that enable users to calculate file hashes without the need for additional software installations. We will explore three widely used hashing algorithms: SHA256, MD5, and SHA1.

Obtaining the SHA256 Hash

To obtain the SHA256 hash of a file on Linux, you can use the sha256sum command. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the file is located. Then, execute the following command:

sha256sum file_path

Replace file_path with the actual path to your file.

Obtaining the MD5 and SHA1 Hashes

You can also obtain the MD5 and SHA1 hashes of a file on Linux using similar commands:

  • To obtain the MD5 hash:
md5sum file_path
  • To obtain the SHA1 hash:
sha1sum file_path

Replace file_path with the path to your file in both commands.


Let’s delve into specific examples to illustrate the process of obtaining hashes using built-in tools on Linux.

Example 1: Obtaining SHA256 Hash

Imagine you have a file named document.pdf located in the directory /home/user/docs. To obtain the SHA256 hash of this file on Linux, execute the following command:

sha256sum /home/user/docs/document.pdf

The output will display the SHA256 hash value of the file.

Example 2: Obtaining MD5 Hash

Suppose you have a file named image.jpg stored in the directory /home/user/pictures. To obtain the MD5 hash of this file on Linux, run the following command:

md5sum /home/user/pictures/image.jpg

The terminal will display the MD5 hash value of the file.

Example 3: Obtaining SHA1 Hash

Consider a scenario where you have a file named data.txt located in the directory /home/user/files. To obtain the SHA1 hash of this file on Linux, execute the following command:

sha1sum /home/user/files/data.txt

The output will display the SHA1 hash value of the file.


Obtaining file hashes on Linux using built-in tools is a simple yet powerful method to ensure data integrity and validate file authenticity. By following the instructions provided in this guide, you can confidently calculate SHA256, MD5, and SHA1 hashes of your files on Linux systems.


  1. sha256sum - Linux man page
  2. md5sum - Linux man page
  3. sha1sum - Linux man page